The Neuro Performance Enhancement Center is an innovative initiative in applied neuroscience that uses neurotechnology to develop methods to study and improve brain activity in order to promote mental health. Through the rebranding, we had the mission to articulate the brand's discourse and rethink its identity in order to support the development of the business and prepare it for future expansion beyond the borders of the country. This project earned a prestigious distinction at the 2024 REBRAND 100® Global Awards, the most respected global recognition program for effective brand transformations.
The Business Challenge
The field of applied neuroscience, namely the methods of studying and improving brain activity using technology, is still very little known and exploited in Romania. Thus, the Neuro Performance Enhancement Center can be considered a truly fearsome initiative.
It all started as a personal project for Costin Dămășaru, animated by his struggle with tinnitus, a terrible neural disease, and its defeat with the help of neurotechnology-based procedures that he studied at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Gradually, it turned into a continuous innovative endeavor aimed at providing a chance to “free people from the limits of their own minds” within the Research Center for Neural Performance Augmentation.
Given the complexity of the field of activity and the novelty of the program “neural training” developed by Dr. Psih. Dămășaru and his team of researchers for a still uninformed Romanian audience, the creation of a strong image that would attract notoriety and interest of the targeted audiences was an essential step in the evolution of the business at the very beginning of its journey. Moreover, it became necessary to articulate a clear and relevant brand discourse that would place the Centre in a dominant position locally and prepare it for future expansion beyond the borders of the country. These were the premises from which we departed in the rebranding project of the Neuro Performance Enhancement Center.
Branding solution
Through rigorous documentation, we set out, first of all, to understand this vast field of applied neuroscience and the category to which the Neuro Performance Enhancement Center belongs nationally and internationally, as well as the factors that may favor or slow its development. Then we went through a stage of discovering the business from the perspective of the founder and his team, in order to find the elements that will underpin the strategic narrative of the brand, which further serve as a source of inspiration for its new identity and communication.
The story of the brand
Following a session exploring the fundamentals of the brand conducted together with the management of the Neuro Performance Enhancement Center, we were able to decipher the scientific language, intimidating at first glance, used to describe what the Center is and what it offers. We thus learned that behind the phrase “augmentation of neural performance” hides, in fact, the desire to make possible and visible change that restores balance and brings harmony to people's lives, when the challenges they face day by day keep them captive, limiting their ability to reach their full potential. In support of this mission, the Neuro Performance Enhancement Center comes with the latest neurotherapy technologies and procedures and a dedicated, empathetic team with multi-disciplinary skills, through which those who cross the threshold discover the extraordinary power of their brains. Starting from these key messages we formulated the story of the brand and extracted its essence, expressed suggestively in the slogan Your brain is your superpower.
Brand Name
Being a category in which descriptive names predominate or that have the specific particle “neuro” in their composition, as is the case with Neuro Performance Enhancement Center, we wanted the new verbal identity to differentiate the brand. The starting point in creating the new name was the brand strategy, so that it would become an extension of it and reflect the idea around which the brand narrative is built. Therefore, the central theme used in the naming process was that of transformation, evolution. At the same time, we had to take into account the eligibility criteria established by the Center management, namely: the possibility of the name being registered in the territory of the European Union on the NISA classes related to the field of activity, the availability of the .com web domain and the avoidance of any similarity with other names in the category.
The name Veruvis is an invented word that resulted from the combination of the two plans that make possible the transformative experience promised by the brand, namely that of science and continuous learning required in the process, by association with the term “erudit” derived from the Latin language (erudire = to learn), and that of the human support provided throughout its journey, by alluding to the word “herudit” “cheruvim” comes from the Slavic language (cheruvim = guardian angel).
The concept of visual identity
Identity aims to find the necessary balance between the subconscious inner world and the physical environment in which we live, learn and evolve as humans. The contrast between mental clarity and disturbing states formed the basis of the idea of the Veruvis symbol.
Visual identity
The symbol, created by combining the two basic geometric shapes, represents the profound impact that neural training can produce on the brain and Veruvis clients. From the diffuse and deconcentrated state it moves into a clear hypostasis, which suggests the perfect balance in which the brain is optimized and can reach its full potential. The symbol thus becomes a trigger, an activator of the ability to concentrate and perform.
Creative platform
The new visual identity has allowed the development of a unique graphic style, in which realistic elements are combined with some abstract ones, so that the brand's messages can be valued in an accessible and relevant way for its audiences, as can be seen in the communication materials developed.
Communication in social media
With the launch of the new brand, we managed the communication component in social media, to help the Veruvis team operationalize the strategic framework and identity developed in the rebranding process, by creating content specific to each channel used - Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook.
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